Wednesday 16 July 2008

Favre speaks part 2 - This time it's personal...

If the first part of Brett Favre's Fox News interview could be considered a tentative step into the ring, then Round 2 has seen the Green Bay Packers legend throw some haymakers at the team.

Asked by Greta Van Susteren if he was considering a return to the team in Training Camp, Favre said:

"It's tempting just to, as everyone said, you know, call their bluff or whatever... I think it's going to be a circus in itself already, whether I go there, whatever."

- Brett Favre speaking on Fox News

Uh oh! It's one thing to slate individual members of the front office, as he did on Monday, but to say that he's considering actively causing a problem for the football team? That's probably not the way to go about things when your biggest leverage comes from the way you have conducted yourself over a long career. On the other hand, perhaps the childlike, infectious enthusiasm for the game that we love about Favre, could also be the same mentality that makes him throw his toys out of the pram when he doesn't get his own way...

Favre did express sympathy with Aaron Rodgers, and in fact showed his support for Rodgers as Green Bay's starter next year.

"I know this has been tough on him. I think he'll do a fine job. And this has nothing to do with him, this whole deal."

- Favre on Aaron Rodgers

The problem for Rodgers is that, with Favre set on playing again next year, he will be compared to Favre constantly. That was always going to be the case, but it's a whole different kettle of fish when the guy you replaced is still playing in the league.

The one thing we can definately take from all of this is that the whole situation is headed towards a Steve McNair-esque confrontation. If Favre turns up, will the team even let him practice? One man who should know is McNair's agent, who in a happy coincidence, happens to be Favre's agent, James "Bus" Cook.

We'll have more from Green Bay throughout the day. Thanks to everyone who have sent emails of support, we appreciate all the comments we receive - both positive and negative.

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