Sunday 22 June 2008

A True Sporting Hero

Once in a while we'll take the time to salute those who's dedication to sport is truly special, and we'll start this off today with an athlete beyond compare:


Sunday may be your 'day of res't, but it's also the day 50% of Wide-Right plays the rounder, gayer version of 'Football'. Inevitably, Sunday is also hangover day, and frankly I've had 3hrs sleep, the last of which was spent with my eyes wide open, whilst I lay muttering 'This cannot be happening, this CANNOT be happening!'

Still, I'm going, and I think that's the main thing. Half an hour before the game, and I've had 2 slices of cold pizza, a banana, and a couple of painkillers.

So I salute me. If only more athletes took their proffession so seriously.

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