Monday 23 June 2008

Jumping to conclusions

The guys at Profootballtalk are what could be described as 'sound'. There's generally always something readable on the site, and we have very little gripes with the way things are written. It's one of the sites that we casually browse every so often in the never ending quest for something interesting to write about.

There is one problem though, that we think they need to work on.

Today Mike Florio posted the following article regarding disgraced Radio presenter Don Imus. Imus was the fool who referred to the Rutgers' womens basketball team as 'Nappy-headed Ho's', and subsequently lost his CBS radio gig as a result. It was a stupid remark to make, and it's not easy to have sympathy with someone who is stupid enough to make such a comment.

Unfortunately, PFT have jumped to the conclusion that Imus is 'at it again'. The audio clip that we heard seemed to not reveal Imus as a big daft racist, but as someone who was making a point that African-Americans are much more likely to be stopped. If PFT are so certain of the racial connotations, they should ask themselves this: Why did Imus set up the question by asking the host what colour Adam Jones is? In our view, only a member of the KKK would have set up a comment like that live on the radio. Imus has only ever apologised for his Rutgers comments, and perhaps it's the British sense of irony and sarcasm that lets us take things at other than face value.

Even if your website is run by a lawyer, you should be careful of who you categorise as 'overtly and blatantly racist'

Apart from that, good job guys.

If you enjoy a good laugh, how about the article's comments section.

Still having a hard time deciding which is the funniest thing about this story: PFT not grasping sarcasm when it hears it, or people being 'overtly and blatantly racist' in the comments section.

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