Monday 30 June 2008

Joe Delaney: A tribute

It's been 25 years since Joe Delaney lost his life. Though his death was felt keenly by many at the time, he is hardly a household name these days. In an era where young guys such as Pacman Jones, Chris Henry et al tarnish the reputation of their fellow players, now is a good time to reflect on someone who's life took a very different road.

For those who don't know the name, we forgive you. His contribution to the NFL was cut short after just two seasons with the Kansas City Chiefs - one of which was strike shortened. That he made the Pro Bowl as a Rookie is testament to Delaney's athletic ability, but it was his character that will be the enduring memory of the man.

On June 29th, 1983, Joe Delaney, while resting in a park, Joe Delaney heard screams. When he reached the source of those screams, he found that three young children had fallen into a water hole on a recently excavated construction site. Despite having, according to wife Carolyn 'never having stuck a toe in the water', Delaney dived in. The water was 20 feet deep, and despite saving one of the boys, Joe Delaney never re-surfaced after diving a second time for the two others. He was just 24 years old.

In today's NFL, perhaps we get so used to those who have wasted natural talent, those who's only desire is money, and of course, those who indulge in the kind of extra-curricular activities that incur the wrath of the local law, that we forget there are plenty of players who are doing justice to Joe Delaney's memory in their own ways.

In his last interview, Delaney told the Ruston Daily Leader that he wanted " be remembered as a good person, a family man."

Hopefully this article goes some way to helping Joe achieve his goals, and if it brings his name into the conciousness of a few more fans, it is the least that Joe deserves.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice topic guys. This man have been an inspiration too many over the years, risking his life to save 3 strangers. I just wish that in a time, where most players seem to be getting into trouble, for fighting, illegal sports etc, i just wish that more players could be like him these days. And i dont mean they should just go out and risk their lives. Just helping someone is good enough. Instead of fighting with someone, or shooting.
